The testing result of standard absorption water content strongly depends on the initial moisture content, structural property, and moisture elimination and absorption procedure of the samples. 利用室内试验手段研究了不同备样方法对标准吸湿含水率的影响。
After an initial review of the relevant work procedure, the Observatory has modified the computer program to ensure that such incident will not recur in future. 天文台经初步检讨有关工作程序后,现已修改了电脑程式,以确保类似事件不再发生。
The statement shall, after initial examination by the authorities in charge of the construction project, be submitted by specified procedure to the competent department of environmental protection administration for approval. 经项目主管部门预审并依照规定的程序报环境保护行政主管部门批准。
Whenever feasible, ossicular reconstruction was performed at the time of the initial surgical procedure. 只要条件适宜,均在初次外科手术中同时进行听骨链重建。
The input of the simulation procedure is the initial product development plan obtained by mathematical methods. In the simulation procedure, four types of rules are used to schedule the design activities. 仿真流程的输入是由数学方法获得的初始产品开发计划,仿真过程中使用4类规则来调度产品设计活动。
Thoroughness of the initial operation and rationality of operative procedure are the chief factors to decrease bile duct reoperations. 损伤性胆管狭窄等与手术有关的因素不容忽视。减少胆道再次手术的关键在于初次手术的彻底性和手术方法的合理性。
Through changing the initial design parameter in the procedure, we can get different workpiece size and corresponding rolling mill structure and performance parameter curves. 通过改变程序里的初始设计参数,可以得到不同的轧件尺寸和相应的轧机结构及性能参数曲线。
As a result, in the initial raising litigation procedure special rules are enacted concerning plaintiff's qualification, ranges of litigation, and status of corporation as well as other shareholders in the procedure. 鉴于股东派生诉讼的特殊性,在其诉讼提起程序中对原告资格、诉讼适用范围、诉讼过程中公司和其他股东诉讼地位的确立等都应作特殊的规定。
The optimum model was solved by maximum principle and in which the initial value problem was solved using Newton iteration procedure. 应用极大值原理求解该优化模型,其中的初值问题采用牛顿迭代法求解。
So this article writes initial specification in procedure and implementes the first data refinement, then translates it into Z frame and implementes process refinement. 该文先采用过程写出初始规范,对模式进行第一次数据精化,然后把它转换为Z模式,再进行过程精化。
Quantitative coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound ( IVUS) were performed before operation, during the initial procedure and at6-month of follow-up. 在放射治疗前、结束时和随访6个月后分别进行定量冠状动脉造影和血管内超声检查。
In order to study the impacts of initial temperature on the procedure and effectiveness of compost for restaurant garbage, the simulating experiments were carried out in 3 sets of horizontal composting reactors in which the temperature could be controlled. 为了探索不同初始环境温度对餐厨垃圾堆肥过程和堆肥效率的影响,利用3组卧式可控温堆肥反应器进行了小规模模拟试验。
Through changing regularized parameter values and selecting a reasonable initial regularized parameter value in inversion procedure, the inversion result and convergent speed are improved. 在反演过程中,通过改变正则参数数值以及合理地选择正则参数的初值,改善反演结果,提高反演收敛速度。
An Initial Study of Basic Procedure in Art Design 艺术设计基本程序初探
In the paper, the partial differential equation of nonlinear vibration of a suspended power line in consideration of initial relaxation degree is derived and an ordinary differential equation is obtained by using the Galerkin procedure. 本文推导了考虑初始弛度的输电线的非线性振动偏微分方程,并采用伽辽金过程而得到常微分方程。
This paper has proposed a new method for solving the resource-constrained project programming problems, based on the initial network only with the technological precedence named Enumerative Branch and Cut procedure ( EBAC). 基于仅有施工工艺逻辑关系的CPM初始计划,提出了新的多资源约束下施工计划优化计算方法&枚举式分枝切割法(简称EBAC法)。
Conclusion: On the basis of our initial results, CT guided PAI with non ionic contrast is safe and effective interventional procedure for treatment of small and unresectable giant adrenal neoplasms. 结论:初步结果表明,CT引导下的PAI对于小的或者大的功能型的不可手术切除的肾上腺肿瘤是安全有效的介入治疗方法。
So, we should draft local legislation, which regulates the range of the tradable contamination, the initial distribution way of emission and the trading procedure to standardize the trading market. 因此,应进行地方立法,规定可交易污染物的范围、排污权的初始分配方式、交易的程序等,以规范排污权交易市场;
And as the initial part of whole procedure, choice on securitized asset not only influences the complexity of process directly, but also generates a decisive impact on the function of securitization. 其中,作为信贷资产证券化的初始环节,证券化资产的选择不仅直接影响整个运作流程的复杂程度,而且对证券化的作用效果起着决定性的作用。
Through the detailed observation of fatigue crack origin and calculation of crack initial size parameter, mechanisms for internal fracture mode are discussed and fatigue life prediction procedure is indicated based on crack initial size parameter. 通过对断口上裂纹萌生位置的详细观察和裂纹萌生位置的初期尺寸参数的计算,阐述了内部破坏模式的破坏机理,提出了基于尺寸参数的超长寿命疲劳极限的推定方法。
With practice example, the influence of various initial approximate values, observed data errors and the group of observed data on procedure and accuracy of calculation was preliminarily discussed. 通过算例,初步讨论了不同初始近似值,原始数据误差和观测数据组数,对计算过程与结果的影响。
An Initial Comment on Law of procedure 程序法初论
Among them, the case register, whose primary task is to find the qualification for establishing criminal cases through investigation, is the initial part of the criminal procedure. 其中立案程序作为刑事诉讼的启动环节,其主要任务是通过立案调查活动决定是否具备立案条件。
At present, the initial target that sentencing procedure to turn reform is for measure the sentencing procedure provides crime facts of, with crime facts to the check and supervision measure sentencing procedure. 当前,量刑规范化改革的首要目标是为量刑程序提供犯罪事实支撑,以犯罪事实来制约量刑程序。
A new dispatch rule for generation the initial solution is presented. The local search procedure starts with the initial solution. 提出了一种新的启发式调度规则以生成初始解,作为邻域搜索和回溯算法的出发点。
Water-removing is the first procedure of green tea initial system, and is the key procedure, which is so critical to green tea quality. 杀青是绿茶初制的第一道工序,也是关键工序,对绿茶品质的形成至关重要。
A series of initial investigations have shown that during the pathophysiologic procedure of cellular energy dysmetabolism, the normal cytoskeleton structure and function lay great effect on stabilization of intracellular mitochondria. 本课题组以往的系列研究表明,细胞骨架的形态结构和功能正常与否对胞内线粒体功能和细胞能量代谢具有直接而重要的影响。
In general, the wireless link layer is not protected by the current standard in WiMAX, which leads to many possible attacks, especially in the initial network entry procedure. 通常WiMAX对无线链路层不提供保护,尤其是在网络连接建立的阶段,从而导致了许多可能的攻击行为。
Thus the initial framework for the legislative procedure of local government regulations has been set up. 由此确定了我国地方规章立法程序的初步框架。
Percutaneous renal biopsy has long been the main method used for initial diagnosis of diffuse renal disease, this procedure also is frequently used to monitor disease progression. 长期以来,经皮肾脏穿刺活检术是诊断慢性肾病的金标准,这种方法也被用来监测病变的进展情况。